CS373 Fall 2020: Week of 5 Oct — 11 Oct

Ivan Romero
2 min readOct 12, 2020

What did you do this past week?

This past week we spent time making the backend python app and setting up the database. Currently, only the python app works but without the database, it doesn’t really do anything. It is filled with filler responses.

What’s in your way?

The lack of a database makes it hard but also not knowing SQLAlchemy. When we start actually using the database I kind of feel like it will be painful to work out the kinks in SQLAlchemy. So any help with SQLAlchemy will be a great help.

What will you do next week?

The week we will connect the frontend, backend, and database. Hopefully, all that works out. Currently, the calls to the app work but without the database pagination is difficult. Hopefully, we can all come together to figure it out.

If you read it, what did you think of The Open-Closed Principle?

I thought it was too absolute. The principle does not really consider a lot of what-ifs. In the real world, code will have to be changed due to mistakes or optimizations. Just closing it off leads to laziness in my opinion.

What was your experience of iterators, generators, and yield? (this question will vary, week to week)

The iterators part was easy. I need to study up on generators and hopefully completely understand it. I had worked with yield before so I was not too confused by it. Overall I barely remember anything from this week.

What made you happy this week?

I ate a lot of junk food. Also, I got two tests over with.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My tip for the week is two monitors. The convenience of being able to look at documentation as well as coding at the same time is invaluable. You ever watch Netflix while coding a backend server? No? Good because you will probably make a mistake. Pretty cool though.

