CS373 Fall 2020: Week of Sept 14–20

Ivan Romero
3 min readSep 20, 2020

What did you do this past week?

This past week was pretty intense. I worked extremely hard to get all my work done ahead of time so I could go back home with my family. I like to get my work done so I can just enjoy the time I spend with them and not have anything gnawing in the back of my mind.

I completed all the assignments for all my classes but luckily most were due before I had to go back to Houston so I got it done anyway.

What’s in your way?

Job applications. I have applied to so many places with varying positions in most that I am actually beginning to lose track of them. The coding assessments also eat up a lot of time and I am beginning to burn out doing so many of them. Hopefully, I get an offer soon so I can just forget about it and move on.

What will you do next week?

The upcoming week will be very coding heavy. I have even more coding assessments to do as well as various coding assignments. I have to start on CS373 (and hopefully finish), finish my Network Security assignment, and start the Modern Web Apps assignment. It will be a busy week but hopefully I can accomplish everything with time to spare.

What was your experience of exceptions, IDB1, and types? (this question will vary, week to week)

I have used exceptions before but never before in the way that Downing had shown us. I think to really grasp the things he is showing us I will have to actually do it. Some things you learn better if you do it yourself.

If I am being honest, the first project seems scary but I think I can do it with the help of my team and the TAs. The group I have is very prepared and I am starting to feel that I might not even be necessary. I am just kidding but they are on their A-game and I would say that I am on my C-game.

The types stuff was not too surprising. I know every language has its quirks and the things downing showed us did not strike me as bizarre.

What made you happy this week?

On Friday night, after I arrived home, I went and purchased a 3-pound cowboy steak, which is just a really big ribeye with a bone. I like to cook so cooking that big boy was satisfying for me.

Also, I saw my brother again since the last time in July. It is nice to know that he is still alive.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My tip will be WSL on Windows. But more than that I think the VScode plugin is much more useful. Typing “code .” in your terminal will open up VScode with WSL files. It is pretty neat and makes it really easy to edit files. No more VIM for me.

Picture of me with hair that is too long. Also extra wide for some reason.

